Jessica Michel – 40 Under 40

Age: 32
Kids: Yes, my awesome son Nathan :)
Director of Business Creation for Ocala Metro Chamber & Economic Partnership
My grand goal in life: To love myself, as much as I love my son and husband.
When not working, I: You’ll find me out on the water—paddleboarding, shrimping, scalloping—fully embracing the Florida life.
What I like most about living in Ocala: Having been born and educated in Ocala, I proudly call this city my hometown. Ocala effortlessly combines stunning natural beauty, a warm and welcoming community, and a vibrant cultural scene.
My biggest pet peeve: Walking across wet grass in open-toed shoes.
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Empowerment
My greatest strength is: Being creative and inspiring others.
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be: Teleporting, exploring the world.
Community cause nearest my heart: My current role with the Ocala/Meto CEP in our Power Plant Business Incubator allows me to actively foster opportunities and growth for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
A guilty pleasure of mine: A small bowl of melted peanut butter (JIF) and a big glass of milk. Slaps!
People who know me say I am: Funny. I like to make people laugh.
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: Raising the most amazing son. The kid has funny jokes, too.
Favorite part of my profession: The people. I meet so many different people and I learn something from every person I meet.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: JIF Peanut Butter
Top three things on my bucket list: Visiting Egypt, skydiving , & visiting Chernobyl.

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