Name: West Andrews
Age: 30
Occupation: General Manager
Name of business/workplace: Cart World Golf Cars
When not working, I . . . Enjoy the outdoors, and being on the water
What I like most about living in Ocala: Family and friends
My biggest pet peeve: People not returning their shopping carts
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: It’s a great day to have a great day
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be. . . The ability to fly
Community cause nearest my heart: Food4Kids
A guilty pleasure of mine: Auburn football
Any person in history I could have a dinner date with, and why: My great grandfather, Dan Andrews. He owned a brush factory in Cedar Key. I would ask him about being an entrepreneur during The Great Depression, and hunting and fishing before Florida was developed.
Favorite part of my profession: Building relationships with customers and other businesses in the community
If there is one thing I indulge too much in, that would be . . . Fishing