Vickie Treulieb – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Vickie Treulieb

Age: 37

Occupation: Master cultivator of minds, otherwise known as a teacher

Business/Workplace: Forest High School

Grand goal: I want to leave the world a better place than I found it. Whether that’s through my own three children or the hundreds I teach daily, I want to be a light in the world so there’s never darkness.

When not working, I … probably have my nose stuck in a book or am somewhere in a theater.

What I like most about Ocala: I like its proximity to everywhere in Central Florida while maintaining more of a small-town feel.

Pet peeve: People who feel they’re entitled to things.

Philosophy in a word: Enlighten

My personal superpower: The ability to effectively manipulate words.

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be … invisibility

Community cause: Arts appreciation and education, specifically theater and writing. I wish we had more theaters to bring in touring shows and also produce different types of shows (spoken word poetry, off-beat theatre, special needs theatre). I also wish we had a community literary magazine. I love to see people showcase their talents and have multiple opportunities to do so.

Guilty pleasure: Naps

Historical dinner date: While it would be cool to wine and dine with someone that everyone knows, I’d give anything to be with my Dad. He died when I was 18. It would be cool to chat with him and let him know what I’ve accomplished and introduce him to my children. I think he’d be happy. I’d love to hear him laugh.

People who know me say I am … outspoken

Biggest professional achievement: I’ve gathered over 500 people together to rally against all first-year teachers being laid off. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and stand up for what’s right. I’m also really proud of successfully starting two award-winning school literary magazines.

Greatest personal achievement: Writing a book.

Favorite part of my profession: Making a difference in the lives of children by letting them discover their unique voices.

I indulge too much in … buying too many books. I’ll never finish my tbr (to be read) pile.

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