Sullivan Hogan

Ocala Magazine 2022 40 under 40

Sullivan Hogan Ocala Magazine 2022 40 under 40

Name: Sullivan Hogan

Age: 23

Occupation: Director of video communications

Name of business/workplace: The Ocala Metro Chamber and Economic Partnership

When not working, I… spend time with my friends, playing board games or grabbing coffee. I play a lot of Dungeon & Dragons or games online to stay connected with friends who live out of state, or back home in St. Louis. 

What I like most about living in Ocala: I love the community in Ocala. I moved down here for my position at the CEP (Chamber & Economic Partnership) without knowing anyone and have been so blessed by the welcoming and kindhearted people at the CEP and in Ocala as a whole. The opportunities I have been given and the friends I have made have been major blessings in my life.

My biggest pet peeve: I hate it when people talk during important or emotional parts of movies. 

One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Trust 

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be… the ability to manipulate time, to slow things down when I need more or to revisit happy memories.

Community cause nearest to my heart: Adoption. I have two adopted siblings in my family and hope to be able to adopt one day myself.

A guilty pleasure of mine: Coffee. I drink too much of it constantly.

Any person in history I could have a dinner date with, and why: Eliza Hamilton. I have always thought that her story, character, and perseverance are so admirable. I would love to be able to talk to her and hear about her own struggles and how she found the strength to overcome and have such an ambitious and fruitful life.

Favorite part of my profession: I love editing videos. I find the process very relaxing. My favorite days in the office are days where I can sequester myself in my office and zone out for hours editing. 

If there is one thing, I indulge too much in, that would be… social media, specifically TikTok. I waste far too much time on that app.

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