Name: Rachel Wilkerson
Age: 36
Occupation: Business owner; licensed esthetician and massage therapist
Name of business/workplace: Brick City Spa
When not working, I . . . spend time with family and travel as much as I can
What I like most about living in Ocala: Our supportive community and its emphasis on small business
My biggest pet peeve: Clutter
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Evolve
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be. . . Time Travel
Community cause nearest my heart: The Reilly & MCA
A guilty pleasure of mine: Jamming out to Broadway Show tunes
Any person in history I could have a dinner date with, and why: Cleopatra, to hear her story firsthand as an iconic female leader.
Favorite part of my profession: My clients; thanks to them I get to live my passion and purpose every day.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in, that would be . . . Late night cereal