Lynde Johnson – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Lynde Johnson

Age: 33

Occupation: Entrepreneur/Manager 

Business/workplace: Golden Ocala Equestrian Center

Grand goal in life: To be brave in my life so others have permission to be brave in theirs. 

I want to be an example to those around me – especially my daughter – to show up with full authenticity, be exactly who God made you to be and go after those big, crazy dreams! 

When not working, I…  am likely at home with my family. I’m an extrovert and a workaholic but also very much a homebody.

What I like about Ocala: I first moved to Ocala in 2011, allured by the equine industry. I’m still in love with the horses and the equine community that made Ocala feel like home. 

Pet peeve: Unfortunately I have SO many pet peeves, but my longest standing pet peeve is for sure when people touch their already chewed gum. I’m also super creeped out by the possibility of stepping on it – it’s weird but, hey, it’s a real concern for me!

Philosophy of life word: Impact. 

Personal superpower: Being able to squeeze in and complete an incredible number of tasks in one calendar day while simultaneously putting off and procrastinating a million different things that I will obviously have to cram in tomorrow. This, my friends, is where I find much of my life satisfaction and also my increasing number of grey hairs.

Superhuman power I’d like: Tto fly. Who wouldn’t choose to be able to fly? I’m frequently late and often forget how long it takes to get from point A to point B so being able to fly (at least if I could fly fast) would most definitely solve that problem for me. 

Favorite cause: Several immediately come to mind. Streetlight Ministries, Women’s Pregnancy Center, and Mission para Cristo in Nicaragua. 

Guilty pleasure: I will always sing if I know the song. And I’m not talking under my breath, hum along to the tune kind of singing but full-out, all the drama, all the musicality, hit every note, give it all ya got kind of singing. Favorites are Disney princess songs, anything from musicals, country music, a little Beyonce, and even Spice Girls. 

HIstorical dinner date: I would want to have a dinner date with my Grandma. I picked up so much of who I am from her and she never saw me graduate college or get married. She’s never met her granddaughter (who is also very much like her) and I feel like we have quite a bit of catching up to do. She was such a strong, independent woman whom I both respected and admired and I’d love to get to talk to her even just one more time. 

People who know me say I am…  a hard worker, a good problem solver and a natural leader.

Biggest professional achievement: Making the decision to go to work for myself. I’m an entrepreneur at heart and have become very unemployable. By that I mean, time freedom and the freedom to create a value-driven culture is of utmost importance to me. Anything else is a deal-breaker. 

Favorite part of my profession: That’s an easy one! My favorite part about my profession is getting to work with horses on a daily basis. Sometimes I think it’s easier to communicate with them than most people I know. I get paid to do what I love and I am so grateful for that. 

I indulge too much in… fast food! I almost always order more than one entree for myself at a restaurant, never end up eating all of either one and then take it all home in to-go boxes. As the expression goes, my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Also dessert! Oh my goodness, all the desserts please! Literally every single day. 

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