Kevin Lopez

Ocala Magazine 2022 40 under 40

Kevin Lopez Ocala Magazine 2022 40 under 40

Name:  Kevin Lopez

Age: 29

Occupation: Software Development Manager

Name of business/workplace:  Aetna

When not working, I . . .  am spending quality time with my family. 

What I like most about living in Ocala:  The people! 

Pet peeve: Slow internet.

One word philosophy of life:  Commitment

My superhuman power would be. . . Telepathy to talk with my dog Chewie!

Community cause: Kiwanis Club of Ocala! 

Guilty pleasure: Collecting and building Star Wars LEGO sets.

Historical dinner date: George Lucas.

Favorite part of my profession: Helping people.

I indulge too much in… expanding my BBQ skills. 

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