Easter Inspiration

by Robin Fannon | Photography by Ralph Demilio

Coloring Easter Eggs Naturally 

How about trying your hand at going “au natural” this Easter and color your hard boiled Easter eggs using colorful foods? The results give you the most beautiful unique shades. The kids will enjoy this crafty, fun project, and many of the ingredients you may have already on hand in the pantry or fridge. All it takes is a few pots of boiling water and some white vinegar! Some common ingredients used for spectacular results are:

  • Purple Cabbage
  • Yellow Onions Skins
  • Shredded Red Beets 
  • Ground Turmeric 
  • Hibiscus Tea 
  • Blueberries
  • Red Zinger Tea
  • Spinach 

Keep in mind that the longer you let the eggs sit in the colored liquid the more vivid your colors will be.  You can also lightly rub the finished eggs with a little oil for a nice sheen. Store them in the refrigerator until you are ready to hide them for the hunt. Don’t forget where they have all been hidden, or you will definitely regret it!

Here is a link for a complete guide and step by step instructions by Martha Stewart, of course!  https://www.marthastewart.com/267850/dyeing-eggs-naturally

Robin Fannon
Robin Fannon IG @rsvp_robin
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