Age: 38
Kids: 3
Occupation: Lieutenant for Marion County Sheriff’s Office
My grand goal in life: Stay healthy, see my family prosper, grow old with my wife, and be a legendary grandpa.
When not working, I: Love to golf and spend time with my family and friends.
What I like most about living in Ocala: The generosity of our community. Ocala is full of unsung heroes that work in our local government, run and work at non-profit organizations, or donate their time and money to make Ocala a wonderful place to live.
My biggest pet peeve: Bullies
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Determination
My greatest strength is: My spirit of empathy that guides me in my everyday decisions.
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be: Well, I think superhuman strength would come in handy in my line of work.
Community cause nearest my heart: Y’all want to get me in trouble! There are many wonderful communities causes that I’ve had the pleasure to work with. If I can only choose one, I would have to say Marion Senior Services Co-Responder Program. This unique program offers a coordinated community response that diverts seniors from costly acute care settings and provides alternative care in the least restrictive environment through medical, mental health, and substance abuse resources. Marion Senior Services’ Co-Responder Program is a valuable resource for Marion County’s first responders. By decreasing calls to service and offering a coordinated community response, this program saves law enforcement valuable time and resources. This allows our deputies and officers to focus on real emergencies and crimes rather than social services issues.
A guilty pleasure of mine: 90’s gangster rap.
People who know me say I am: Reliable
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: Being a part of the amazing team that helped establish CASA Marion and the Marion County Sexual Assault Center. In 2023, our community lost its domestic violence shelter and sexual assault center. With the leadership of Sheriff Woods and other community leaders we were able to provide survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse with the services they deserve.
Favorite part of my profession: The opportunity to protect and serve my community every day.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: Golf! It’s taking over my life!
Top three things on my bucket list: Go to the Masters, travel Europe, and play a round at the Old Course at St. Andrews. Did I mention that I love golf.
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