Cade Spivey

Ocala Magazine 2022 40 under 40

Age: 20

Occupation: Salon Owner

Name of business/workplace: The Boulevard Salon

When not working, I … Spend time with friends and family.

What I like most about living in Ocala: Watching our city grow.

My biggest pet peeve: Taxes

One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Breathe

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be … To stop time.

Community cause nearest my heart: Equal opportunity for everyone.

A guilty pleasure of mine: Olive Garden bread sticks.

Any person in history I could have a dinner date with, and why: My great-grandfather Carl Johnson. He was a small business owner here in Ocala in the 1960’s and I’d love to show him what all I’ve accomplished so far.

Favorite part of my profession: Getting to watch my clients and stylists grow.

If there is one thing I indulge too much in, that would be … Being a perfectionist.

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