Willie Green – 40 Under 40

Age: 28
Kids: 2
Occupation: Owner of Apply the Pressure Pressure Washing, LLC
My grand goal in life: To be a successful business owner and to leave each of my kids their own business.
When not working, I: Play basketball, go fishing, ride my four wheeler and spend quality time with my family.
What I like most about living in Ocala: That it continues to grow/change rapidly and the friendly people, they make it feel like home.
My biggest pet peeve: When people waste my time, time is valuable.
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Purposeful
My greatest strength is: My work ethic.
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be: Read minds
Community cause nearest my heart: The Mary Sue Rich Community Center
A guilty pleasure of mine: Eating my wife’s snacks.
People who know me say I am: Humble, driven and respectful.
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: Starting my business from nothing.
Favorite part of my profession: Seeing a customer overly satisfied with the work done.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: Basketball
Top three things on my bucket list: Skydiving, traveling all over the world, owning plenty of land.

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