Elo “The Bard” Rickel – 40 Under 40

Age: 39
Kids: 2
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Musician, Producer, Sound Engineer, DJ, Podcast Host for This Random Life, Subliminal Productions, X fusion Vape & Smoke
My grand goal in life: First and foremost, I want to do whatever I can to provide a better life for my kids. I also want to build a sense of community and show the world we are all brothers and sisters, and that there’s no need to fight and hate each other.
When not working, I: Spend time with my kids, read, meditate, work on music, and play video games.
What I like most about living in Ocala: I grew up here so I love the feeling of hometown familiarity. I also love seeing how much it has changed over the years and grown exponentially.
My biggest pet peeve: People with a lack of personal responsibility for their actions.
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Open
My greatest strength is: My Resilience. Many times in my life I have had to start completely over, albeit financially, musically, romantically, or otherwise. Experiencing this has shown me how to work with what you have and appreciate your blessings in low times.
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be:That remote from Click. I swear I won’t turn out like Adam Sandler at the end of that movie, lol.
Community cause nearest my heart: I really like what Ocala Clothing Swap is doing, free clothing for everyone!
A guilty pleasure of mine: Oreos and Milk. I use a fork to dunk them fully. If I don’t pull out just a few, I will eat half the pack!
People who know me say I am: Loving and understanding.
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: Raising two awesome kids, and releasing an album legitimately before I’m 40!
Favorite part of my profession: It’s a tie between performing, and the connections I make with people out and about.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: Second, third, and fourth chances for people. I’m getting better though.
Top three things on my bucket list: 1. Travel the world. 2. Own a self-sustaining compound. (food, electricity, etc, etc) 3. Live long enough to see world peace.

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