40 Under Forty: Avery Hoshor

Name: Avery Hoshor

Age: 25

Title/Company or main life pursuit: Physician Assistant at Recharge Clinic

What is your word and why did you chose it? Resilient. I think it describes those around me during these times of uncertainty.

What aspirations do you have for yourself in the next 40 years? I aspire to grow in my career, get married, travel, and build a family. 

Favorite way to give back to the community? Through my work! I love making a positive difference in the quality of my patients’ lives.

What do you love and/or hate about the Ocala area? I love the sense of community and closeness everyone shares. I hate that I didn’t move here earlier!

A few albums and movies you’d bring to a deserted island? Any John Mayer album ever made and of course, the “Harry Potter” series.

You never leave home without: I bring my stethoscope with me everywhere!

If you could tell your 16-year-old self one thing: Enjoy every moment of your youth. You have your whole life ahead of you to be an adult!

Anything else you’re super passionate about that you’d like to tout: I am passionate about anything food related; I love finding new restaurants and trying new things, especially at local Ocala restaurants!

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