Lavana Korr – 40 Under 40

Age: 22
Kids: 0
Occupation: Singer/Songwriter
My grand goal in life: To travel the world through performing my music live.
When not working, I: Play piano, watch anime, video chat with my siblings, play video games, and dance!
What I like most about living in Ocala: The town’s relaxed pace affords me the time and freedom to focus on writing songs. Additionally, the large arts community is always providing me with inspiration for song concept ideas. Oh I also love the springs!
My biggest pet peeve: When people chew with their mouth open!
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Intuition. Always listen, always follow it.
My greatest strength is: I care deeply about the things and people close to me, and everything else rolls off my back. I love hard, the relationships I have are strong, I enjoy the little things in life and the negative doesn’t bother me. It also allows me to write great songs!
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be: Teleportation! I dream of traveling the world, and with teleportation, I could use all the time spent on flights and drives to explore towns and cultures, try new foods, and meet new people. That said, I still enjoy taking flights and trains, though, so I wouldn’t rely on it all the time.
Community cause nearest my heart: The nonprofit organization Arts in Health Ocala Metro, that I proudly work with, serves as a hub for many organizations and causes as we distribute free art kits, sponsor music classes and more to help people in the community heal through art. Art heals, science proves it!
A guilty pleasure of mine: Peanut butter and Tofu!!
People who know me say I am: A good listener and driven. I tend to be on the introverted side so I enjoy listening and learning from others. In doing so it helps me work harder as I learn how to navigate life and the music industry
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: I moved across the country as an independent artist to pursue my dream of making music. It was scary, but the coolest thing I’ve ever done.
Favorite part of my profession: My selfish answer is hearing the completed version of each song I make for the first time after envisioning it for so long. My next answer is performing and hearing feedback from the crowd on how it made them feel.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: ………. Totally not plum wine.
Top three things on my bucket list: Perform at Lallapalooza, visit Japan, collaborate with BTS.


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