Sarah Jacobs – 40 Under 40

Age: 34
Kids: Not Yet!
Occupation: High School English Teacher and Student Council Advisor at West Port High School
My grand goal in life: To leave the world better if only a little. I hope that I am able to make an impact on my students’ lives and encourage them to chase their dreams.
When not working, I: Am spending time with my family and friends. My people keep me sane.
What I like most about living in Ocala: My community. Living in the historic district has been beautiful. We have the best neighbors, businesses, and events.
My biggest pet peeve: Loud chewing.
One word that summarizes my philosophy of life: Compassion
My greatest strength is: Kindness! Everyone deserves to feel that they are valued.
If you could have a superhuman power, it would be: As a teacher, mind reading. It would be scary but, figuring out how to help students understand a concept would be so much easier!
Community cause nearest my heart: Anything that gives kids access to educational opportunities. I’m always looking for ways to add value to my school and classroom.
A guilty pleasure of mine: My coffee addiction fuels me.
People who know me say I am: Driven. I like a challenge.
Personal achievement for which I am most proud: Taking on the role of Student Council advisor at West Port High School. The students leaders on our campus are so driven and I’m excited to help!
Favorite part of my profession: Working with my students to reach their goals. It is so rewarding to see their success. Being able to celebrate with them is such a highlight to me.
If there is one thing I indulge too much in: Reading! I read 102 books last year.
Top three things on my bucket list: 1. Become a foster parent. 2. Visit Europe. 3. Write a book.

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