40 Under Forty: Amy Ingram

Age: 34

Business Analyst, United Health Group – OptumRx


Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you? \

Being a part of the Junior League of Ocala I am constantly inspired by our members and community partners, they are some of the most strong, compassionate, caring people I’ve ever met! Whether it is helping underprivileged children, improving our parks or just giving a helping hand, everyone has a desire to improve the lives in our community and they all want to make a difference. It’s a pretty great group to be surrounded by!


What aspirations do you have for yourself?

I have worked in the Healthcare industry for over 15years and I would like to eventually move to the Project team within United that develops ideas for Healthcare reform. I would also really love to write a children’s book someday. I’ve had this story in my head for a long time about a little girl who has adventures through her love of reading. It’s inspired by my late grandmother, Shelby; I’ve even named it “Shelby goes” and I know one day I’ll get around to working on it.


What is your favorite way to give back to the community? 

I have always had a passion for volunteering. Through Junior League, I’ve had an abundance of opportunities to volunteer with our community impact projects and also help other non-profits with projects like painting at PACE, serving breakfast at Interfaith and mentoring the mothers at Project Hope. I also love being able to bring my daughters Lorelei (5) and Jules (almost 3) along with me to some events. I want them to understand the importance of giving back. Their favorite activities are when we help at literacy events at Oakcrest Elementary, ring the bells at Christmas time and help with local drives.


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area? 

I love that even though Ocala is growing, it still has that small town charm. Not growing up here, this town has welcomed me with open arms. It’s truly a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

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