40 Under Forty: Nikki Prendergast

Age: 33 years old 

Finance Manager, Deluca Toyota


Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you?

My children, family, and career are what inspire me. Being able to wake up with purpose and intent, to show up and never give up and to believe anything is possible as long as you are willing to work for it is what keeps me going each and every day. My children inspire me to be the best Mother and role model I can be, so when they grow up they realize how much they mean to me and everything I did in life was for them. My family inspires me to be the best that I can be. As everyone says, I am my Fathers daughter and as long as I am making him proud, I am doing something right. Lastly, my career plays major role in inspiring me it is possible to be a strong independent woman in a man’s world and actually being able to make it keeps me motivated to show up every day and continue to be successful! 


What aspirations do you have for yourself?

My aspirations are to be happy, live my best life for my children and I and support my children in obtaining their dreams in life. To teach my children to never give up on anything no matter what life throws their way, to always know how tough they are and they can handle anything they put their mind too. Also, to promise my children that as their mother I will always be in three places: in front of you to cheer you on, behind you to always have your back or next to you so that you never feel like you are alone. 


What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

My favorite way to give back to the community is doing it with my DeLuca family. There are a few events each year that we support as a dealership and raise money for. DeLuca Toyota is very big on donating to the March of Dimes, Toys for Tots and helping support youth sports organizations as a sponsor to help them obtain the equipment they may need or team uniforms. We always have a good time trying to raise money for people that need it the most. 


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area?

My favorite thing about Ocala is how it feels like home! When I think of Ocala, I think of family! I have spent my entire life in this town and now I am fortunate to have my children growing up in the same place. Sitting back and being able to watch my children have the same experiences in life that I did is pretty neat!

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