40 Under Forty: Stephanie Bonner

Name: Stephanie Bonner

Age: 30

Title/Main life pursuit: Registered nurse and full-time family nurse practitioner student

What is your word and why did you choose it? I choose the word ‘blessed.’ This word is very close to my heart and I feel as though I find myself saying this word quite often. In every aspect of my life I truly feel blessed with my son, my fiancé, family, friends and with my profession.

What aspirations do you have for yourself in the next 40 years? My goal is to graduate as a family nurse practitioner and to some day run my own clinic. I look forward to my future making memories with my family.

Favorite way to give back to the community? My family and I sponsor families during Christmas and help those in need.

What do you love and/or hate about the Ocala area? I love that Ocala has a great healthcare system. I do wish that it was closer to the coast, but it is a beautiful place to spend time outdoors.

A few albums and movies you’d bring to a deserted island? Carrie Underwood, Jason Alden, Cardi B, and Journey.

You never leave home without? I never leave home without bringing a water bottle, lipgloss, and my wallet.

If you could ever tell your 16-year-old self one thing? If I could go back in time I would tell myself not to worry or stress about the small things in life.

Anything else you’re super passionate about? I have a passion for fishing and being outdoors. I hope to travel the world fishing in different places.

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