40 Under Forty: Shawana Vickers

Name: Shawana Vickers

Age: 37

Title/Company or main life pursuit:

Love of Beauty Bar, LLC / Hello Purpose, LLC

What is your word and why did you chose it?

#purpose-pusher. I realize that my purpose in life is to inspire, empower and cultivate others to live in purpose,  on purpose! Over the years I have been blessed to help push many individuals to live life unapologetically in purpose!

What aspirations do you have for yourself in the next 40 years?

I just recently became a full-time entrepreneur and open up my beauty bar (Love of Beauty Bar). I aspire to continue to make everyone feel and know that they are beautiful inside and out. I definitely also see myself continuing to do motivational speaking, purpose-coaching and, as my colleagues in the influencer world would say,  SLAYING! Not just the runway, but life!

Favorite way to give back to the community?

Supporting events and business. I had a non-profit organization called More Than Enough, Inc., for 10 years which included modeling and mentoring. I love to see the other organizations, businesses and groups that have developed since I retired and help when available.

What do you love and/or hate about the Ocala area?

As we can see from what is going on in the world today from police brutality, racism and more, there are issues in every city that need to be addressed, however, I have been blessed to have met a lot of people who support my business and my mission. I love how, when needed, our city can come together for one cause and spread light; for example, the #blacklivesmatter peaceful protest walk, even on social media the support of businesses and individuals.

A few albums and movies you’d bring to a deserted island?

“Love & Basketball,” “Coming To America” and “Low Down Dirty Shame” are three movies I can watch over and over. For albums just give me a little church music and some R&B (old school/neo-soul) — my playlist is a little here and there

You never leave home without:

My cell phone. It’s my business and got to love a good selfie in good light

If you could tell your 16-year-old self one thing:

You are destined for greatness — a few lessons to learn but keep pushing!

Anything else you’re super passionate about that you’d like to tout:

Love! I love helping people! I love my communication and those I’m connected with. It’s more than makeup or facials, it’s passion. However, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish half of it without my family! I love my family! My boys (Jonathan, Tayeo and Lyriq) mean the world to me! I’ve been married for 11 years and through the death of our first child, loss of jobs, cars, homes, friends and restoration of our marriage, we have push through with love! My children taught me what ‘never give up’ means. I’ve obtained two degrees (Bachelors, MBA) and became a licensed esthetician and they all have stuck by my side. Love on your people! Let them know how much you appreciate them. You never know what tomorrow holds — #hellopurpose

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