40 Under Forty: Manuel Arteaga

Name: Manuel Arteaga

Age: 38

Title/Company or main life pursuit: CEO/WALL BEDS PLUS

What is your word and why did you chose it? BLESSED, because no matter how difficult things get, God has never failed me.

What aspirations do you have for yourself in the next 40 years? To Franchise my company across the United States

Favorite way to give back to the community? Providing second chances to kids that have been abused or been told they can’t reach their dreams. We also donate 1% of all our online sales to provide water in third-world countries.

What do you love and/or hate about the Ocala area? I love how beautiful are the  landscapes and the growth opportunities for all local businesses.

A few albums and movies you’d bring to a deserted island? Family album and my bible.

You never leave home without: Praying

If you could tell your 16-year-old self one thing: Never give up no matter how hard it gets as long as you have Jesus in your life.

Anything else you’re super passionate about that you’d like to tout: My wife and daughters are my inspiration. I was given two weeks to live last June and God and they were the reason I fought.

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