40 Under Forty: Brian Fahey

Name: Brian Fahey

Age: 35

Title/Company or main life pursuit: Tattooer at Fat Kats Artistry

 What is your word and why did you chose it? ¡Ay Caramba!  It seems like this is what I say when I hear about pretty much anything happening in the world as of late.   I grew up with The Simpsons and always felt a kinship with Bart.   

What aspirations do you have for yourself in the next 40 years?  Hopefully making pottery and living close to the Ocean.  

Favorite way to give back to the community? I just try to be there when I can and genuinely love people I come into contact with.  We all see so much hatred so often and I think that if we just changed the way we talk to ourselves and each other we could flip the script and see there’s more to life than Facebook squabbles.  

What do you love and/or hate about the Ocala area?  I love the Silver River and the parks and wooded areas surrounding us.   We really live in a beautiful area.   The Silver River is an absolute treasure.  

I try not to hate as much as I’m able to.  Apart from just being here too long and being tired of looking at some of the same old stuff, it’s hard for me to put a finger on what I dislike about Ocala, but I think it has to do with the culture being set in its way.   It seems like most of my life nothing ever really changed about Ocala.   I believe we’re starting to see a lot more attention being given to the arts and small business and community and I’m really happy about that.  

A few albums and movies you’d bring to a deserted island?  Taylor Swift’s 1989 and  probably a couple of old Metallica albums, Master of Puppets and In Justice for All.  I think I’d leave the movies at home — I’d rather look at the island.   

You never leave home without: willingness and a positive attitude.  At least, I make an effort to keep those things with me.   

If you could tell your 16-year old self one thing:  Be nicer to people; you aren’t that cool.   

Anything else you’re super passionate about that you’d like to tout:

Just be good to people and don’t take your own life too seriously.   It’s arguable that none of this is even real.    

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