Yasmin Ramasco – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Yasmin Ramasco

Age: 32

Occupation: Autonomous Nurse Practitioner

Name of business/workplace: Heart of Florida Health Center

Grand goal in life: To be fulfilled in life, surround myself with loved ones, start a family, travel the world, and grow in my career.

When not working, I … am usually outdoors with my husband and dog, in my butterfly garden or pool.

What I like most about Ocala: I can get a table at one of my favorite local restaurants when I crave them without a long wait — you can’t do that in a big city.

Pet peeve: Being late. I am the person that always shows up 30 minutes early because I’m afraid of being late.

Philosophy in a word: Love.

What I consider my personal superpower: My speed walking.

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be  … teleportation, so I could travel the world and be wherever I want within seconds.

Community cause: Given the pandemic, access to COVID19 vaccinations. Heart of Florida Health Center was extremely involved in outreach for COVID19 vaccinations, and I was so proud to be a part of it. We touched so many people’s lives — some people cried tears of joy because they wanted to be near their families again after getting vaccinated. I have also enjoyed volunteering for FreeD.O.M clinic and their mission to serve the underserved. 

Guilty pleasure: Late night trips to get ice cream. 

Historical dinner date: Hippocrates, the famous physician of ancient Greece, to thank him for influencing how medicine is practiced, based on observation and science. 

People who know me say I am … driven.

Biggest professional achievement: Being granted autonomous practice as a nurse practitioner.

Favorite part of my profession: Creating relationships with my patients. We get to grow old and hopefully healthy together.

I indulge too much in … mashed potatoes.

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