Woodly Oralus – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Woodly Oralus

Age: 27

Occupation: Founder & CEO

Name of business/workplace: Biznct, LLC

Grand goal: Leave a piece of my light in as many people as possible. Whether that is through sharing knowledge or resources.

When not working, I …  like to workout and travel. 

What I like most about Ocala: The entrepreneurial community. 

Pet peeve: Low self-esteem (I wish more people believed in themselves.)

Philosophy in word: Create

My personal superpower: To quickly adapt and execute efficiently. 

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be … teleportation because I would be able to travel at warp speed and not have to endure long trips by plane or car. 

Community cause: Mentorship is dear to my heart because you are able to directly or indirectly improve people’s lives through a mentee who listens and puts knowledge into practice. 

Guilty pleasure: I like cherry turnovers even though too much sugar can be bad for me. 

Historical dinner date: I would love to go to dinner with Martin Luther King Jr. to learn about his strategy towards civil rights and his peace approach. 

People who know me say I am . . .  Mr. Make it Happen! No matter how tough or great life gets, I maintain a demeanor that enjoys the high but does not get too low. My close friends would say I am someone who goes after what I want in life. If there are 5 seconds left on the clock in a basketball game, I want to take the game winning shot. I operate well under pressure. 

Biggest professional achievement: Building a successful business that adds value to others’ lives.

Favorite part of my profession: To help people make their businesses prosper and live more fulfilling lives through increased financial prosperity. When we market effectively, we subsequently help businesses grow their bottom lines. 

I indulge too much in … social media. But hey, I’m an internet marketer — it’s my job.

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