40 Under Forty: Tyla Kennedy

Age: 31

Owner of Baseline Nutrition and Herbalife Health Coach 

Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you? 

I get inspired by helping others, Physically, Financially and Spiritual. I love seeing people step into their greatness and become the best versions of themselves. I love seeing others WIN and create a life Of purpose, passion and fun. I pray everyone is free from worry, doubt and fear. Being an entrepreneur can be scary but I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I’m a thrill seeker, an all in kind of girl! What’s the worse that can happen? I fail and try again? 

If you never jump you’ll never fly. To all my dreamers out there, keep dreaming! 


What aspirations do you have for yourself?

My life Mission is to help save the world from Obesity. I aspire to be a person of influence and impact! I will use my influence to create positive change for generations to come. I will create financial freedom for Others. I will leave a legacy for my family. I will be remembered by my heart and my hustle. My goal is to prove to others that you are not a victim of your circumstances. 


What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

 I am involved in a lot charities. Sometimes I feel like I say yes to everything because i want to help everyone! My favorite saying is “always leave things better then you found them” 


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area?

I have a joke with my friend Nikki, I could never leave Ocala because no one would know who I am. All jokes aside, I love knowing and networking with others. Geographically, we have it made! 45 minutes from any beach, some of the best springs and parks, a rising economy and the best part Ocala is just getting started! I love being a part of the community, giving back and being involved with as much as I can hold on my plate, head, arms and legs.

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