40 Under Forty: Stephanie Manning

Age: 33

Certified Ophthalmic Technician/Co-manager of FreeDOM Clinic Eye Department


Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you? 

Working with medical charity organization inspires me. I get to travel to places all over Florida and even sometimes the world. While doing that I get to help people see better, which is one of the best feelings. 


What aspirations do you have for yourself?  

 I aspire to continue to help grow the FreeDOM Clinic Eye Department by helping people see better in Marion County, Florida, all over the USA and internationally. I also aspire to learn new things in my career at Ocala Eye so I can help in other areas of medical missions. 


What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

 I love working with free clinics here and going on mission trips to other countries. Giving back by doing what I love is one of the greatest rewards. 


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area?

My favorite thing about Ocala is that even though it has grown in the past few years, it still has a small town feel.

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