Katherine O’Brien – 40 under 40 2021

Katherine O’Brien

Age: 39

Occupation: Veterinarian 

Business/workplace:  Maricamp Animal Hospital; Big Bang Property Solutions

Grand goal in life: I have full intention to leave my children and this world with an empire that keeps creating and prospering to save lives.  My daily mission is to ensure animals are healthy and safe while educating owners to care for their pets just like family.  Going beyond this for me is to have a clear path to help educate people so we are all more responsible and charitable in our lives in order to create a world and environment that is positive and productive.

When not working, I . . .  I love to be outside! Whether it is sitting in my backyard, walking on the beach or riding in a boat, listening to the birds or feeling the wind in my hair while taking in all the amazing views that God has given us. As long as I am with my family, I am truly happy anywhere.

What I like about Ocala:  Ocala reminds me of my birth place! I grew up in a small town outside of New Orleans.  It was peaceful and the people were so nice while having a major city at my fingertips.  When I first came to Ocala, I only knew my husband, Alberto, and his brother, Willie.  As I started working and making friends, I quickly realized that Ocala offered the exact same experience and more.  Friendly culture, people who are ready to help others, lakes and rivers close by and multiple major cities within hours.

Pet peeve: Smacking! And it bothers me that I don’t like it.  I will intentionally sit next to someone who is smacking so I can be still, in a new moment and be in control of my emotions. I got this!

Philosophy of life word: Education. By reading and studying, I strive to be the best I can be everyday and help others do the same.  Through education, I know I can make a difference and truly impact those around me.

Personal superpower:  Healing. Day in and day out I choose to help and heal others.  Whether I am a doctor, wife, mother, friend, leader or influencer, I am always in a position to help others focus on being right here in the moment, taking full responsibility and creating solutions to better their lives.

Superhuman power I’d like:  This would be so exciting!! There are so many however flight and telekinesis would have to be my powers of course added to my super healing powers that I already possess.

Favorite cause:  Kimberly’s Center is Marion County’s compassionate response to the trauma of child abuse in a safe and child friendly environment.  Children are our future and safety is the most important goal for them. This is one of the reasons that we started our non-profit, Saving Paws and Hooves, which provides emergency medical funds to save animals who otherwise would not be able to receive the diagnosis, treatment, or medications that they deserve. I am proud and honored to be associated with both of these wonderful organizations.

Guilty pleasure:  Shopping of course! Love supporting local businesses which is vital in order to continuously improve our community and help businesses thrive. After shopping, I love spending time downtown for the culinary genius at Katya’s Vineyard or seeing a movie at Marion Theater.

Historical dinner date:  Jesus.  I would love to sit with him and ask Him how I could have the absolute biggest impact in helping save the world from negativity, self doubt and disease.

People who know me say I am . . . Busy! You know it is funny… I am always hearing that people are amazed how busy I am but from where I stand I know I am capable of so much more. The more efficient I become, the more systems I can put in place and the more I surround myself with responsible people means I can continue to build my legacy.  

Biggest professional achievement:  My veterinary degree of course!  I graduated from Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine. This doctorate has allowed me to take on opportunities that I have always dreamed of!  

Favorite part of my profession:  My hands down absolute all time favorite part of my profession is to save lives.  With every phone call, every appointment and every consultation I am able to educate clients. 

I indulge too much in…  Oh no… I can not pick just one.  That is not fair to the others :) Pizza, Brownies & Reeses sticks.   I do my best to practice a healthy lifestyle through working out and eating right.  There are just some days where some bread & chocolate is perfect for the soul.

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