Kaitlyn Butler – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Kaitlyn Butler

Age: 29

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Business/workplace: Co-owner of Brick City Food Tours

Grand goal in life: Leave a positive impact on everyone in my path. I’m a big believer that there’s room for everyone at the table, and I take pride in uplifting others. 

When not working, I …  explore Ocala one bite at a time. My husband and I are huge proponents of supporting locally owned restaurants, and we love exploring their menus.

What I like about Ocala: The community. Ocala is unique in the way we have the luxuries of a city and the community of a small town. It only takes meeting a few special people to be surrounded with support and encouragement.

Pet peeve: Close-minded attitudes. I love tried and true approaches as much as the next person, but there is so much room for innovation and discovery in every area of life. 

Philosophy in a word: Inclusive

Personal superpower: Intuition

Superhuman power I’d like: To be an apparition, the ability to vanish and appear in another location instantly. Imagine how easy traveling the world would be! 

Favorite cause: Access to voting rights. Local politics play an integral part of how we work, play and live, so I’d like to see more access and higher turnouts when local elections take place.

Guilty pleasure: Watching “The Bachelor” or The Bachelorette.” I regularly post episode play-by-plays on my Instagram stories featuring my hot takes. It’s so bad it’s good!

HIstorical dinner date: Susan B. Anthony. Her work as an American women’s rights activist paved the way for women like me to live a full, enriching life, and championed equality for all.

People who know me say I am…  Motivated. When I set my mind on a goal I’m unrelenting in my pursuit of achievement.

Biggest professional achievement: Launching and making Brick City Food Tours a success. Too often we overthink ideas, but I am so passionate about highlighting the talent in Ocala and thought, “Why not me?” 

Favorite part of my profession: Seeing the way people light up when they learn something new or discover a new flavor on one of our tours. It’s like seeing a whole new world open up before them.

I indulge too much in… Great food! I can’t help it when there are so many great options to choose from! 

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