Emma Dingman

Name: Emma Dingman

Age: 27

Occupation: VPK Teacher 

Business/workplace: Marion County Public Schools

Grand goal in life: to leave a long-lasting impact on Marion County and its future citizens 

When not working, I . . . enjoy making sure every day will be a part of the “good ole days”

What I like aboutOcala: no matter how much it grows, it will always have a small-town feel… and A Day to Remember 

Pet peeve: when people smack and slurp their food 

Philosophy of life word: positive 

Personal superpower: always finding the good in the bad days

Superhuman power I’d like:  flying

Favorite cause: educating first time parents on how to properly care and advocate for their school-age children 

Guilty pleasure: TikTok

Historical dinner date: Frank Sinatra so I can hear him sing live

People who know me say I am . . . vibrant and forward-thinking

BIggest professional achievement: 2021 Marion County Rookie Teacher of the Year

Favorite part of my profession: my students own self-reflection on how far they have come both academically and emotionally 

I indulge too much in . . . the perfect snack… bagel bites

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