Daniel W. Autrey – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Daniel W. Autrey

Age: 35

Occupation: Pastor/Preacher

Business/workplace: Souls Harbor First Pentecostal Church (Dunnellon Campus Pastor)

Grand goal in life: Plant Churches. Encourage People. Develop Leaders. 

When not working, I . . . Am spending time with my beautiful wife, Lacey, and two sweet kiddos, Maley and Samuel.  

What I like about Ocala: Marion County is a great place to live and raise a family. It has a small town feel but the many benefits of a bigger city. Feels like a family. 

Pet peeve: Procrastination. 

Philosophy of life word: Jesus!

Personal superpower: Passion. 

Superhuman power I’d like: Hmmm, Captain America? Pastor America? Has a nice ring to it ;)

Favorite cause: Our church strives to BE a community cause. We host block parties for neighborhoods, give away food and gas cards and are always looking for ways to bless the great people in our area. We have helped people acquire life skills and secure jobs. For our church, the community is front and center… for not just one event, but every single week. 

Guilty pleasure: Donuts! Glazed, chocolate, maple!!!

Historical dinner date: The Apostle Peter. He walked with Jesus, was in the upper room when the Holy Ghost was first poured out, preached and worked with the likes of Apostle Paul, James and John. They changed the world. 

People who know me say I am . . . Inspiring and encouraging, I hope. 

Biggest Professional achievement: For the past five years, my wife and I have had the privilege of planting a new church for Souls Harbor in the city of Dunnellon. It’s been incredible to watch God work! We started in a small store front, with a handful of folks. Through the help of the Lord and the hard work of these great people, we have a thriving congregation, beautiful property and are currently building a new sanctuary! It’s been challenging and rewarding. I always tell our church, “It’s a good life, livin’ for the Lord!”

Favorite part of my profession: Seeing radical transformation happen in people’s lives. I have watched as God has empowered families to overcome and achieve what was thought to be impossible. It’s incredible to witness as someone beats the odds and succeeds both naturally and spiritually. 

I indulge too much in . . . Sugar free vanilla iced coffee with extra shots of espresso. I keep McDonald’s in business ;)

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