40 Under Forty: Cindy Vieira

Age: 38

Owner of Ocala Swim Academy, Multi-Certified Instructor 


Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you?

It took me a long, long time to find out what my path was in life.  My business was not planned. When I was a little girl I almost drowned while swimming in a lake.  My daughter almost did as well, the weekend after completing a local swim program.  I’m inspired by the little faces that show up for lessons, some nervous and others excited.   If I can prevent just One of these little ones from drowning, If I can prevent one of my Awesome Clients from experiencing the near loss or loss of a child, My Job is Done!  


What aspirations do you have for yourself?  

I come from a family of Immigrants.  My family came here with nothing. I’m the child of a Teen Mom, who ultimately gave me up to be raised by my grandparents; A Blessing. My Grandparents are the hardest working people I have ever met. AND Family Always Came First!  My Grandmother’s only request for me was that I finish College. Neither of my grandparents went to school, they never learned to read or write. I ultimately accomplished her wish which became my ultimate goal.

As a Single Mother, My Sole Aspiration in Life is to provide a Positive Example for my children to follow.  There are no excuses as to why you cannot be what or who you choose to be.   

Since having my children,  I completed both my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services and a Masters in Business Administration. I’ve Completed Certifications in ESE, Water Survival, Swimming and Stroke.  I work out of my Modest Home, while my children laugh and play with all of the little ones and their siblings that visit for lessons. Life is Good!


What is your favorite way to give back to the community? 

The Love for Life Event!   My Good Friend (and Former Client) Rabecca Inouye came up with a concept to help provide scholarships for children to participate in Water Survival Lessons by providing pampering to Moms that otherwise wouldn’t be able to.  I rolled with it. With the help of the Community coming together, we are able to organize this event where all of the net proceeds go towards scholarships. We raised 10 scholarships during our last event.

The Love for Life Event brings the Community together.  We are a mesh of Cosmetologists, Entrepreneurs, Vendors, MOMS!  

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”  Mahatma Gandhi


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area? 

Ocala is truly diverse in the sense that people from everywhere come here to raise their families in a small town setting, devoid of the issues that persist in larger cities.  I’ve met SO many amazing Mom’s here. Women from all walks of life. It’s in the brief moments in between clients that we get to laugh a bit, talk about the crazy things our babies come up with, share our plans and make arrangements for play dates.

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