Brittney Mahaffey – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Brittney Mahaffey

Age: 29

Occupation: Real Estate Broker / Owner

Business/workplace: Ocala’s Finest Real Estate, LLC

Grand goal: to ensure my children are supplied with the resources to obtain a successful future.

When not working, I . . . roller blade or bowl with my boys

What I like about Ocala: driving through tree tunnels!

Pet peeve: not meaning what you say, or saying what you mean.

Philosophy of life word: Love

Personal superpower: spinning many plates

Superhuman power I’d want:  To be in several places at once

Favorite cause: The Early Learning Coalition of Marion County

Guilty pleasure: cookie dough

Historical dinner date: God, I have a lot of questions :)

People who know me say I am . . . optimistic and eager

Biggest professional achievement: Opening a Real Estate Brokerage Community Impact with The Early Learning Coalition, Junior League of Ocala and United Way

Favorite part of profession: Serving others

I indulge too much in . . . Free People at Dillard’s , I can’t stop!

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