40 Under Forty: Anna Babbitt

Age: 39

Owner, Twice Upon A Time

Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you? 

My community inspires me. Any time I have presented an issue to my community, families rise up and come together.  When my store flooded after Hurricane Irma, families came together to ensure I could rebuild. Any cause I have presented, my community has received with love and support and this support just inspires me to be better!

What aspirations do you have for yourself?

I am excited to keep growing as a person. I hope to help moms realize their worth and that they matter. I want to keep bringing people together and providing a safe place for all parents to just be themselves. We will be a community resource for all things parenting!  Car seat safety, breastfeeding support, cloth diapering, birth options, infant CPR  you name it. I’d love to educate and make it feel “normal” to families. 

What is your favorite way to give back to the community? 

We LOVE hosting events! We are a community of moms that come together and lift each other up in times of struggle.  We have hosted events/fundraisers for moms that have tragically lost children, we hosted a superhero day for a local 9-year-old superhero battling cancer.  We work with local schools to help provide clothing to children that may need it. We monitor a “Stork Station” in which moms leave items they no longer need such as diapers and formula so that families can help each other.


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area? 

I love the land and diversity here.  I love that I can be in a busy downtown, gorgeous open fields of horses, the forest with amazing wildlife, the prairies all within 30 minutes. The parks here are amazing for my kids.  Heritage Nature Park is so relaxing and Cohadjoe is a family favorite!

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