40 Under Forty: Adonna Wilkerson

Age: 36

CEO/Owner of Fantasy Hair & Beauty, LLC


Whether it’s a business or community involvement, what inspires you?

I am inspired and encouraged by larger business owners who continue to grow and expand their company. These business owners have instilled in me the value of persevering through any challenges that I might face from owning a business.


What aspirations do you have for yourself?

My aspiration is to grow and expand my business into a multi-million dollar company which would allow me to create job and career opportunities for the community.


What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

Every year my kids and I have a tradition of providing hygiene care packages to our local church and homeless shelter, this allows me to teach my children and instill in them the value of taking care of those who are less fortunate.


What is your favorite thing about the Ocala area?

My favorite thing about Ocala is the atmosphere of the local community. Our community is filled with growing businesses and entrepreneurs who are helping to inspire those around them to become positive role models for the youth in our community.

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