Aaron Thomas – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Aaron Thomas

Age: 38 

Occupation: Family Advocate and Artist 

Business/workplace: Kids Central Inc. 

Grand goal in life: Make the world a better place. 

When not working, I . . . Paint, attend art shows and spend time with family and friends. 

What I like about Ocala: The flourishing art scene.

Pet peeve: Unoriginality  

Philosophy in a word: Originality 

Personal superpower: Turning trauma into art.

Superhuman power I’d want. . . The ability to paint anything and everything.

Favorite cause: Supporting local

Guilty pleasure: Giant beers at the Keep

Historical dinner date: Stanislaw Szukalski. He was perhaps the most prolific art genius that has ever lived. 

People who know me say I am . . . Unfiltered, funny, and dependable. 

Biggest professional achievement: Surviving two wars.

Favorite part of profession: Protecting children at risk. 

I indulge too much in. . . helping others’ needs over my own.

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