Geeta Minocha – 40 under 40 2021

Name: Geeta Minocha

Age: 23

Occupation: Director of Social Equity

Employer: Johns Hopkins’ Medicine for the Greater Good

Grand goal: Far too many things to distill into one. I’d like to popularize public banking and empower those who have traditionally been disconnected from the financial system. I’d like to deliver high-quality health care to those living in poverty. And I’d like to increase transparency and accountability in electoral politics. In short, I just want to make the world a little bit better. 

When not working, I … am studying! I’m a rising 2L at Columbia Law School. 

What I like most about Ocala: Work and school typically keep me in the Northeast, and I frequently return to my roots in Cleveland, Ohio. So when I’m back in Ocala, I’m always struck by how peaceful it is here. 

Pet peeve: People who treat compassion as a finite resource.

Philosophy in a word: Intentional.

Personal superpower: My ability to empathize with anyone. 

If you could have a superhuman power, it would be. . . forcing people to tell the truth — like Wonder Woman’s magic lasso.

Community cause: There are two: banking the unbanked and increasing access to quality health care.

Guilty pleasure: There are no “guilty” pleasures, only pleasures! A pleasure I partake in often is doing work in coffee shops.  

Historical dinner date: Theodore Roosevelt, because he lived such a varied, rich life. In addition to his time in politics, he was an explorer, a passionate conservationist, and the author of over 47 books. As somebody interested in law, health care, fashion and tech, I like to think I’m similarly multidimensional. 


People who know me say I am … the biggest Billy Joel fan under 45. It’s true! 

Biggest  professional achievement: I was selected to provide testimony for the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice, chaired by former Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Alberto Gonzales. Testimony from various activists and policymakers around the country was used to determine the impact of the coronavirus in prisons, and the future of criminal justice reform post-COVID-19.   

Favorite part of profession: Bridging health disparities while working alongside people who are committed to improving our society. 

I indulge too much in … reality TV.

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